Tenshi no Tamago - Anime - AniDB (2025)

Mix gothic architecture, lonely quietude, the color blue, and japanese animation together, and what do you get?

Why, a gothloneybluese animated picture, of course!

Oh, and also Angel's Egg.

Now my bizarrometer may be a little biased, seeing as I've somehow avoided most of the strange anime out there for the majority of my life regardless of the fact that I really like this kind of stuff, but, wow, what a weird movie. To review this in only one sense would be completely boring to me, so I'm going to review it in a special manner; first, I'll review it based on the thoughts that came into my head when I first watched it, then I'll review it based on my thoughts after a second viewing. They're radically different, I swear.

First Viewing:
Angel's Egg, what a freaking bore!

The animation was horrid. It looked like it was drawn by a freaking five year old, and, to add to the stupidity, there was hardly any animation at all; most of the movie consisted of freaking pauses. The girl pauses while she looks at the window; she pauses before she gets water in her little container; she pauses before she takes a drink from said container. She pauses before she speaks to the man. The man pauses before he talks back to her; he pauses before he starts walking, he pauses and stares at her, he pauses when she tells him to do something; and so and and so forth, through the whole blasted thing. There were some pauses that had to last at least three minutes; you don't freeze at something for three minutes if you want to keep someone's attention, man!

The sound was okay, well, when there was any. It mostly consisted of a few eerie background noises, steps, and flowing and dropping water. It was very muddled and very stupid after a while. However, it must have been soothing in some manner because it made me fall asleep when I heard it. That's right; I fell asleep during this movie. It was that boring. The music was a big huge wad of whatev'. I couldn't tell it was happening when it was happening, so I guess it did it's job in some sense, according to the group of people that say that you shouldn't notice music when it's happening, the group that consists of everyone on the entire planet but me, but I didn't like it at all for that same reason. (try piecing that one together in your head, you!)

The plot was pointless, that is, if there even was a plot to begin with. I mean all the whole movie really consisted of as far as a story was a girl getting some water and putting it down in some building where, supposedly, Noa's Ark originally landed, and some guy ruining her day, or night in this case. Nothing happened; I repeat: not a single thing happened besides what I just mentioned, and the movie was over an hour long; it pissed me off to the nth degree. I mean why would I want to waste my time on some film where nothing happens at all? It's amazing how much of a waste of life this movie was.

Second Viewing:
This movie was kind of interesting. I liked the focus on the details in the backgrounds. The symbolism probably didn't mean anything, but that was what made it cool, the fact that it could be interpreted in a plethora of different ways.

The frequent pauses didn't give the movie dramatic effect or anything, but they did make me contemplate and carefully examine the frozen images, hoping to notice things that I wouldn't normally pay attention to. However, that plan must've gone completely fubar, for nothing sticks out in my memory that caught my attention when I did this, so I guess I must have wasted my time. I did try to examine very hard what the camera panned out to at the end of the film; it looked sort of like a seed, and that's all I got. Man, I'm pretty bad at this symbolism stuff.

My favorite part of the movie was the sound at the beginning that sounded sort of like a steaming teapot, but at a lower pitch. It happened right when the metal sun eye statue thing began to set if you want to check it out yourself.

Ummm, yeah. This didn't work out too well. Note to self: don't try to review something twice. Oh well, hopefully you got some form of sustenance from reading this, and if you didn't, hah, I wasted some minutes of your life. Have fun watching the anime that you love to watch; I'm gone.

Tenshi no Tamago - Anime - AniDB (2025)


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