9 Handy Europa Universalis 4 Cheats to Activate (2025)

This guide tells you about some of the best Europa Universalis 4 cheats you can activate with that game’s built-in console. When the going gets a bit too tough in EU 4, you can save your nation by cheating! Check out the Europa Universalis 4 cheats below.

Matthew Adams

Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis 4 is an empire-building game for Windows that incorporates a command (debug) console. That console enables you to activate a multitude of Europa Universals 4 cheats by entering commands in it. You can save your country in EU 4 if things start going wrong in wartime or peacetime with that console’s commands.

Read also: 10 Europa Universalis 4 Beginner Tips for Empire Building

Unlike other Windows games, you don’t need to modify files or set command line arguments for EU 4’s console to work. You can open the game’s command console box in standard play mode by pressing the ~ key (usually on the number keyboard row). However, you can’t activate that console in Ironman mode for which it’s disabled. These are some of the more useful Europa Universalis 4 cheats you can activate with that console.

The command console

Table of Contents show

Get More Gold

You can increase your gold by entering this cash command into the console. Input cash in the console and press Enter to boost your country’s coffer by the default 5,000 total. If you want a bigger (or smaller) increase, input the same command with a number specified. As an example, input cash 10,000 in the console to raise your gold total by that amount.

Reveal the Whole Map

The fog of war shrouds the vast majority of the map beyond your provinces and colonies. However, you can remove that fog of war by inputting fow in the console box. That command will reveal the whole world map for you to see.

The fow command

Increase Manpower and Sailors

Manpower restrictions limit how many units you can recruit for your army. However, you can increase your country’s manpower limit with Europa Universalis 4’s console. Type manpower (Insert Number) in the console with a quantity specified. Note that the value you enter represents the number of thousands. For example, inputting manpower 2 will increase manpower by 2,000.

There’s also a similar command available for increasing your navy’s sailor total. Input sailors (Insert Number) for that command. That command should include the exact number you want to increase sailors by. For example, entering sailor 1,000 will give you a thousand more of them.

The sailors command

Increase Military, Admin, and Diplomatic Monarch Points

Military monarch points are important for activating army actions and enhancing battlefield technology. To get 999 more, input the mil console command. You can increase your military monarch points by a specified value by including a number at the end of the mil command.

There are also corresponding cheat commands for increasing administrative and diplomatic monarch points. Enter dip in the console for a 999 diplomatic monarch points increase. Or input adm to raise your admin points by the 999 total.

The dip command

Raise Your Country’s Tech Level

Raising your country’s technology level is one of the best ways to get ahead of the game in Europa Universalis 4. You can make your nation the most advanced by entering a quick console command for setting its tech level. Input tech (amount) in the command box, with a technology level specified. Entering tech 33 sets your country at the maximum technology level.

Win Your Wars

This cheat will give you maximum warscores for all wars in which your country is engaged. To activate it, input winwarsin the console and press Enter. Then you’ll have the highest winwars for making peace with enemies.

The winwars command

Get Province ID

You’ll need to input province IDs to use the eighth and ninth cheat commands below. To get province IDs, type debug_mode in the console and press Enter. Then you’ll see ID info for all provinces on the map when you hover the cursor over them. Those IDs are required for activating EU 4’s assimilate and colonize commands.

The debug_mode command

Assimilate Another Country’s Province

You can absorb any province from another country into your nation. First, activate the debug_mode command; and move the cursor over a province for assimilation to get its ID. Then input assimilate (province ID) in EU 4’s console. For example, entering assimilate 4380 will absorb an Irish province with that ID in your country.

The assimilate command

Colonize an Unsettled Province

If you don’t want to wait for settlers to colonize an unsettled province, enter this EU 4 cheat command. Again, you’ll need to view the ID info for an unsettled province with debug_mode activated. Type the colonize (province ID) command into the console to immediately finish settling a colony.

The EU 4 console has lots more commands. However, the Europa Universalis 4 cheats above are more than enough to cheat with. It’s a bit pointless playing EU 4 if you cheat all the time. However, use those commands to help you out whenever the going gets tough in Europa Universalis 4.

9 Handy Europa Universalis 4 Cheats to Activate (2025)


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